Cratia provides professional registration and certification services for special food products (dietary supplements, baby food, sports and medical nutrition) in 12 countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU):
Azerbaijan | Georgia | Moldova | Turkmenistan |
Armenia | Kazakhstan | Mongolia | Uzbekistan |
Belarus | Kyrgyzstan | Tajikistan | Ukraine |
To ensure guaranteed food safety (including dietary supplements, foods for special medical purposes, foods for weight control), a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept has been developed, which provides for a quality control system in the manufacture of food products according to the level of risk criteria. The scope of the concept of HACCP is not limited to manufacturers of food products. It is also being introduced in related industries, for example, at enterprises producing food packaging or at fast-food enterprises. Moreover, all major market operators (supermarkets, retail outlets, restaurant chains and fast food chains, hotels, etc.) introduce internal criteria for selecting suppliers by availability, and in some cases, certification of a supplier’s HACCP system.
Based on the concept of HACCP, several standards have been developed that apply in individual countries and regions or in individual links of the food chain. The most used standards are the following:
- ISO 22000: 2005 Food Safety Management Systems – requirements for any food chain organizations – a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
- BRС – British Retail Consortium Global Standard;
- IFS (International Food Standard) – an international standard for retailers;
- Dutch HACCP – the Dutch standard for the HACCP system;
- FSSC 22000: 2010 – a standard for manufacturers of certain categories of food products, combining the requirements of ISO 22000: 2005 and PAS 220: 2008, adopted by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GSFI).
The principles of HACCP:
The concept of HACCP is based on 7 principles that indicate how to establish, enforce and manage HACCP at production site. The HACCP principles are focused on identifying, monitoring and controlling hazards at critical control points throughout the production chain:
- An analysis of possible hazards.
- Definition of critical control points (CCP).
- Establishing critical limits for control measures associated with each identified CCP.
- Establishment of a monitoring system at the CCP.
- Establishment of corrective actions that need to be taken in the case the monitoring results show that a certain CCP is getting out of control.
- Establishment of verification procedures to confirm that the HACCP system is operating efficiently.
- Development of methods for documenting all procedures and maintaining records related to the application of these principles.
Who needs HACCP?
The following food market operators have to implement the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) concept in stages:
- manufacturers of ingredients;
- manufacturers and suppliers of food products (including dietary supplements, foods for special medical purposes; food products for weight control);
- wholesale and retail enterprises;
- public catering facilities;
- organizations providing food products transportation, storage and distribution services;
- organizations providing washing and disinfection services for food production enterprises;
- manufacturers and suppliers of equipment for the food industry;
- manufacturers and suppliers of detergents and disinfectants;
- manufacturers and suppliers of packaging and other materials in contact with food.
Cratia offers services on the current situation analysis, the development and implementation of the HACCP principles to subsequent certification and improvement of the safety of final products and/or services.
Our work can be conventionally divided into several stages:
- a preliminary audit (usually with a field visit) of the enterprise in order to learn all production processes;
- determination of production conditions (identification of biological, chemical, qualitative and physical factors that adversely affect the final product safety), storage conditions, number of personnel involved;
- identification of dangerous and critical control points in the entire chain of production processes;
- development of corrective action procedures that are aimed at improving safety;
- development of a monitoring procedure for critical control points and the development of corrective action procedures;
- development of a documentation package according to the requirements of the ISO 22000 standard – from document management procedures to corrective action procedures;
- introduction of ISO 22000, training of enterprise personnel on the basic requirements of the ISO 22000 standard;
- preparation and maintenance of certification, conducting a pre-certification audit in order to eliminate minor comments;
- conducting certification audit by the Certification Body and obtaining an ISO 22000 certificate;
- support in implementation of the concept of HACCP.
We are ready to develop and implement HACCP, taking into account all the features of your company, as well as the goals pursued. This approach allows not to change the production process, but to compile documentation on an already established process.
Cratia is ready to provide the above mentioned services for manufacturers from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
To start cooperation or get advice, please contact us by phone: +38 068 064-78-31, +38 044 223-61-67, by e-mail:, or visit our office.