Registration, certification

Cratia provides professional registration and certification services of food products (dietary supplements, baby food, sports and medical nutrition) and cosmetics in 12 countries and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU):

Azerbaijan Georgia Moldova Turkmenistan
Armenia Kazakhstan Mongolia Uzbekistan
Belarus Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Ukraine

All actions in countries (submission of documents, communication with competent authorities, etc.) are carried out by our internally trained local employees with high qualifications and experience, knowledge of national legislation and language. All activities are coordinated by our central office, whose experts communicate with the Customer, verify and prepare documentation, control the quality and timelines.

For more than 10 years for all our customers we distribute a free newsletters on the major regulatory changes in the region. We conduct seminars and webinars, write analytical articles and advice on various issues.

National requirements in brief:

Azerbaijan  SFor the import and sale of special food products, such as dietary supplements, baby food, sports nutrition, medical nutrition, as well as cosmetic products, state registration is required (conclusion of the state sanitary-hygienic examination).
Armenia Armenia is a member of the EAEU. Import and sale of special food products and cosmetics are allowed after authorization according to the centralized procedure of the EAEU.
Belarus Belarus is a member of the EAEU. Import and sale of special food products and cosmetics are allowed after registration according to the centralized procedure of the EAEU.
Georgia Registration of special food products and cosmetics is not required. In some cases, it is necessary to receive a confirmation letter from the competent authority that there is no need for registration.
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is a member of the EAEU. Import and sale of special food products and cosmetics are allowed after registration according to the centralized procedure of the EAEU.
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan is a member of the EAEU. Import and sale of special food products and cosmetics are allowed after authorization according to the centralized procedure of the EAEU.
Moldova Special food products undergo a notification procedure (vitamins and/or minerals) or registration, and must comply with the requirements of the Sanitary Regulation on Food Additives. Imported cosmetic products are certified during customs clearance.
Mongolia  Special food products undergo state registration according to a procedure similar to the registration of medicinal products. Cosmetics are not subject to registration.
Tajikistan Biologically active additives and medical and preventive agents, baby food, sanitary and hygienic products and cosmetics with therapeutic and prophylactic properties, and those included in the list of mandatory certification, undergo state registration. Other cosmetics (without therapeutic properties) are certified by a competent authority.
Turkmenistan Special food products undergo state registration. Medicinal teas, hygienic and disinfectant products, including those used for the prevention of infectious diseases, medical cosmetics, healing mineral water, mud and salt used for therapeutic and preventive purposes, are subject to registration.
Uzbekistan  Import and sale of special food products and cosmetics is subject to an authorization issued by the competent authority based on expert evaluation of documentation and product testing.
Ukraine Registration of dietary supplements, medical nutrition and food products for weight control is simplified in Ukraine, however, market operators nearly always require the supplier to provide a conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological examination. Registration of baby food is a mandatory requirement for import and sale in Ukraine. For the import and sale of cosmetic products, it is mandatory to have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (SES conclusion).
Eurasian Economic Union The EAEU includes 5 countries: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. Specialized food products and cosmetics are subject to state authorization under the centralized procedure, in accordance with the EAEU Technical Regulations.

Cratia Ltd. performs expert work on state registration of specialized food products (dietary supplements, baby food, medical and sports nutrition) and cosmetics in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic Union. We are well versed in the national legislation, we have the necessary experience and resources to carry out the work.

To start cooperation or get advice, please contact us by phone: +38 068 064-78-31, +38 044 223-61-67, by e-mail:, or visit our office

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